Bier KAaS
Since the beginning we have had the mindset that we want to introduce you to cheeses that will blow your mind and now along comes a new cheese EXACTLY on our wavelength. A collaboration between a craft brewery and a co-op producer of farmhouse cheeses, Bier KAaS has had nothing added besides the Triple Heen…
Categories: Cheeses -
Belper Knolle
Holy moly, Belper Knolle! Just kidding, it’s pronounced kah-noll. But the holy moly part still stands since this cheese is the epitome of small but mighty. Mighty flavored that is. Made with garlic and salt—and rolled in pepper, it is most often grated on top of other foods much like truffles or parmesan. It also…
Categories: Cheeses -
Buche de Chevre du Poitou
Today’s business. Check as many National days off as possible—in a tortured spelling list story-post—with just one cheese. Go! The cheese: Buche de Chevre du Poitou. A generic name for a non-generic cheese. It ripens from the edges inward, so you get a rind with a bit of mushroomy resistance and on into a soft,…
Categories: Cheeses