More Rebel Cheese!
Oh my gosh, our first run of vegan cheeses went so well that we are on our second order. And that is why we have expanded to an incredible THIRD option! Rebel’s Honee Pistachio Chevre. Summer dessert done. Or slather some on toast and BAM – summer breakfast. Or it could be the shining star […]
Categories: Cheeses -
Rebel Cheese
Calling all fans of the fauxmage! A while back we had a vegan cheese tasting, and we found some winners. The Cheese Box is proud to introduce you to two of our favorites from Rebel Cheese out of Austin. Since I have been dilatory with the deets, procrastinating on the pics, and overdue on the […]
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CBX on Madinah in The Market
The Cheese Box on Madinah in The Market! From the bi-Saturday radio show featuring Pike Place Market vendors, on 91.3 KBCS-FM. Thank you Madinah in The Market, for showcasing us. YouTube preview, podcast, and CBX article with photos at: https://www.madinahslaisemedia.org/post/mitm_ep-2
Categories: In the Media -
A Cheese Learning Luncheon with Kim from Jasper Hills
A Cheese Learning Luncheon with Kim from Jasper Hills – Thursday May 30th 2024, at 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM – Atrium Kitchen @ Pike Place Market Attention all you afternoon delighters, you lifetime learners, you curd nerds! Jasper Hills is coming to The Cheese Box this Thursday for a Learning Luncheon at the Atrium […]
Categories: Previous Events -
Bier KAaS
Since the beginning we have had the mindset that we want to introduce you to cheeses that will blow your mind and now along comes a new cheese EXACTLY on our wavelength. A collaboration between a craft brewery and a co-op producer of farmhouse cheeses, Bier KAaS has had nothing added besides the Triple Heen […]
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Belper Knolle
Holy moly, Belper Knolle! Just kidding, it’s pronounced kah-noll. But the holy moly part still stands since this cheese is the epitome of small but mighty. Mighty flavored that is. Made with garlic and salt—and rolled in pepper, it is most often grated on top of other foods much like truffles or parmesan. It also […]
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Buche de Chevre du Poitou
Today’s business. Check as many National days off as possible—in a tortured spelling list story-post—with just one cheese. Go! The cheese: Buche de Chevre du Poitou. A generic name for a non-generic cheese. It ripens from the edges inward, so you get a rind with a bit of mushroomy resistance and on into a soft, […]
Categories: Cheeses -
Farmette Raspberry Rhubarb Jam
It’s finally Friday and oh how sweet it is! Nearly as sweet and yummy as this jam from Farmette Fresh in Bellingham. My very favorite is the raspberry rhubarb. That one tastes like the beginning of summer vacation when you were a child and the future only held promises of fun and frolic and warm, […]
Categories: Cheese AccompanimentsTags: Jams -
National Detroit Style Pizza Day
Today is National Pizza Day and we are here to help! As you may have noticed there has been a bit of a hullabaloo about the fact that we are the only place in the Greater Seattle area that always carries the Brick cheese necessary for Detroit-style pizza and that is not only great, but […]
Our First Pins
Our first pins have made their debut and you should clearly buy one, if not two! Why should I, you ask? Well, as we like to say here at The Cheese Box, safety first. How do these pins keep you safe, you ask? Tbh, you ask a lot of questions but I’ll explain. Let’s say […]
Categories: Merch